Big Announcement!
I have moved from North Carolina to South Carolina (back to my hometown near family and friends). In the process I have moved from an elementary school to a high school. In fact, I've working at the High School where I went to school!
I hope you'll stay with me on this journey transitioning from elementary to high!
In case you are new to this blog I am in my 9th year of teaching Art. My first position was at a charter school where I taught K-8, part-time. My second year was part-time at a high school. Then I found a full-time position at a middle school where I stayed for 4 years. I took 2 years off after my 6th year teaching to go back to school to pursue my MFA in Visual Arts. I earned my MFA from University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in 2016. I then found a job at an elementary school where I stayed for 2.5 years. During the Covid-19 pandemic my husband and I made the decision to move back to our home town to be closer to family and lifelong friends. And now I'm teaching High School in a classroom where I attended school as a student; it's pretty surreal.
I look forward to sharing what I am doing in my classroom including organization, lesson plans, classroom management etc.
Thanks for being a part of my blogging life!
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