Hello friends! My district is entering their third week of remote learning. They took a few weeks to get prepared for this change as well as a Spring Break. I wanted to share with you what I did for my first week in case you need some inspiration. Just to be clear I take no credit for the originality of these ideas. So many art teachers have been kind enough to share their ideas and resources so I want to do the same.
In a previous post I talked about how I set up my choice boards and what the categories are, you can view that here. This post will go into a little more detail about the first choice board as well as student work from that week!
In a previous post I talked about how I set up my choice boards and what the categories are, you can view that here. This post will go into a little more detail about the first choice board as well as student work from that week!
The found color wheel was such a hit with other art teachers that I had to try it out for myself with my students! They seemed to love it too. The first week was a little rough for our kids, many didn't have devices and the district was still working that out. But it was still a popular activity for that week. Here are images of the Google Slides that I shared with them. The videos I used were How a Rainbow is Formed, RoyGBiv and Newton's Discovery Color Wheel.
Student Work
Of course we all know about Art for Kids Hub and my students do too... that is one of the reasons I chose it since it was familiar. I also linked Mo Willems Lunch Doodles since that has been pretty popular.
Student Work
I spent awhile working on read alouds for the kids. So, these were read by me but if you don't have the means or time to do this there are plenty of read alouds online right now. Consider Fair Use but also know that a lot of publishing companies have loosened restrictions during this time. However, I am NO copyright expert and I would make and post read alouds at your own risk and do research for yourself as well as speak to your school/district officials. Here are images from the Google Slide for Giraffes Can't Dance. The Activities I linked are here and here.
Student Work
He set a goal to be able to do a backflip in a year. I think the Giraffes bending helped him with that one.
For sharing artists I've been using Mati and Dada videos for younger kids and FreeSchool videos for the older kids. The videos linked are Mati and Dada and FreeSchool. The Paper "Glider" can from Sci Show Kids. No Students sent in work for this category but I know a lot of families are still getting the hang of "turning things in" so I don't assume no one participated.
Finally I make Studio Tour Videos for my students about my art practice and related topics. Its been a really fun way for me to share my work and I would love it if other teacher would share too! Here is the playlist link and below is the first weeks video. To find out more about the Studio Tours check out this post!
Thank you so much for checking out what I've done with my students for our first week. Like I said at the beginning of the post if you want more info about how I created these resources and the categories I'm using for the choice board please click the link to see a previous post about Remote Learning.
As always, feel free to add comments!
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