Remote Learning Choice Board 2

Hello again Amazing Art Teachers. If you are feeling anything like me then you're probably missing your students and sadden by the isolation and devastation of Covid-19. If your still struggling with what to put out to your students remotely/virtually then I hope this second choice board helps. 

For more information about how I set-up my choice board (logistics and content), feel free to check out my first remote learning post here. For my first choice board click here.  

All of the images below are just images, the links are not live in the images but I have linked content that I did not create in the description for each section. There are brief descriptions for each section as well as images of student exmaples.

Super grateful to whomever came up with this idea and spread it around early on in the remote learning transition. It is such a cute idea! The links I posted for art history resources were Art and Art History for Kids and Famous Paintings: Art Appreciation

The Web Tutorials for this weeks choice board were How to Draw and Paint and The Artful Parent. I did not have any students "turn-in" work from this section but that doesn't mean they didn't use the resources. There is definitely a learning curve for students and families right now especially for "turning in" work. 

This week's Read Aloud was the Creatrilogy: Sky Color, The Dot and Ish. I don't own a copy of Sky Color so I found a read aloud online but I do own The Dot and Ish, so I made a read aloud of both of those books for the kids. The activities linked are here and here. Again, no students "turned in" artwork for this section but I know some kids watched the video and responded to their teachers in Seesaw. 

Finally the Art Appreciation this week is all about Jackson Pollock and breaking the "rules" of art. I linked two videos, Mati and Dada and MetKids. Again, no students "turned in" artwork but I used SafeYouTube to link the videos and could track the views. There were quite a few views especially for the Mati and Dada episode. 

All in all the participation was down this week from the first but based on the analytics from my Google Doc and other Google items, there weren't as many viewers as the previous week so I'm not taking the lack of "turned-in" work personally. 

Finally the second Studio Tour video was all about Artist's Studios. Here is a link to the playlist of all studio tour videos (more added weekly).  To find out more about the Studio Tours check out this post!

Speaking for me personally I really want my students to participate during this time and share their work but I'm trying to always be reminded that even for those with access to devices and internet this time is still unusual and everyone's situation is different. And even more important for our own mental health, we cannot control what people do in their homes. We had some control in the classroom but that has drastically changed. Put out interesting, engaging content consider the materials students have at home and leave it at that. 

As usual, please feel free to leave comments below! We're in this together!
