Here is my latest choice board! If you want to see more about how these boards are created click here. And if you want to see previous choice boards you can click the numbers, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight.
The images you see in this post don't have live links BUT I have linked the outside content in the descriptions for each section if you want to use the same resources!
I love this idea and forgive me but I can't remember whose Instagram post I found this on which is embarrassing and I've looked everywhere on Instagram. If you know who posted this please let me know so I can give them credit in this post. I think this adds a whole new element to looking for textures, colors, patterns etc. The original Instagram post I found these images on credited Shamekh Al-Bluwi as the inspiration for this project so I dived into this awesome designer. I just love it so much and I think the kids did too! The video I linked on help with cutting out a shape in the middle of a page is here, feel free to use it. I also linked this website, Photo Collage, in case students don't have pic collage or something similar on their device and here is a video that shows students how to use the website, feel free to use it.
This week's YouTube channels are Draw So Cute and Muffalo Potato. Both channels are so cute and I know the kids have loved having tutorial options each week.
This week's Read Aloud is Where the Wild Things Are! Its always been a favorite even though reading it out loud for this video I realized its a little weird. There are some cute activities for this book here!
This week's Art Appreciation is all about Michelangleo! Again there are some really fun activities out there related to Michelangalo's work. The K-2 video is the Mati and Dada episode and the 3-5 is the Freeschool video. The links I added for the activities are Fun on a Dime and Confessions of a Homeschooler.
This week for the Studio Tour I linked the playlist to all the videos I've made during remote learning instead of making a new one. Here is the playlist link again! If you want to know more about the Studio Tours see this post!
Well this is the last Choice Board post (for now? who knows what is in store for next year!?). As usual, comment below with questions, comments, suggestions, etc.
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